My first Raping from Valleywag! Beers on me!

Have you joined my incredibly non-annoying, once-in-a-while email newsletter?

Didn’t see this one coming…

Apparently, Valleywag woke up this morning with a nasty hangover, and I walked in to their bedroom like the happy-go-lucky roommate who just ran a 10k.

Valleywag put me in their crosshairs this afternoon, making me the subject of their occasional “I hate it here” rants.

Why? Because I get up early.

Ah well… I’ll take it. It’s a fun piece. And like I said – I used to be like him – I used to sleep in…

I will go on record to correct two points, though.

1) Just because I’m getting up early, doesn’t mean I’m going to bed early. In fact, when I’m not training for the NYC Marathon, I’m out late every night – client parties, events, bars, birthday parties, GOUT dinners (next one November and yes, fully booked already) and other late-night soirees. Just because I get up early doesn’t mean I’m done by 9pm.

2) How can you possibly read your emails from bottom to top? That’s so weird! What if it’s a thread? That’s like reading a Choose-Your-Own-Adventure book from page 1 to the end! It’s just weird! Don’t do that! Read from the earliest to the latest. Any other way, and you’re messing up the very fabric of the universe!

Finally, Tim, my pitch yesterday morning? The one I sent out before 5:30am? Look for the results next week: Us, In Touch, Daily News, and about six other outlets. Not to mention the TV ones that already hit. So I think it works.

Come over some morning. I’ll make the coffee.

PS: Seeing Pepper as the first to comment just thrills me to no end.

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